What are you giving up for Lent?

800px-Truffles_with_nuts_and_chocolate_dusting_in_detailEvery year, for as long as I can remember I’ve given up chocolate for Lent. When people ask me why, I don’t typically have an answer, it’s just something that’s been ingrained in me since childhood.

After attending a mass back home where we remembered my cousin, our priest got me thinking. Why not calculate all the money we save from that sacrifice and donate it?

While I don’t eat THAT much chocolate on a daily basis, I’m curious to see just how much I do spend.

As far as my charity of choice, I’ve spent some time thinking and after learning of a friend who’s training to participate in the Police Unity Tour, a bicycle ride from New Jersey to Washington D.C. to raise awareness for officers who have died in the line of duty and raise funds for the National Law Enforcement Officer’s Memorial and Museum, I thought this was the perfect cause.

Having three family members who are cops, I think it’s a fitting decision.

What are you giving up for Lent?

Annie Reuter, is a freelance writer and music blogger who covers concerts and music festivals around the country. In constant pursuit of the next show to attend and band to interview, Annie keeps up her own music blog, You Sing, I Write, where she uncovers what it's really like to spend the day with a rock star.