CHRISTINA — DAY 10: I have this list

Lenten Facebook Fast

Morning has broken
Morning has broken

I have this list. Everything on it gets its own gold star. This list lives in my email inbox, and every day, I add to it. Every day, I get emails with articles that are fascinating and intriguing. I open them in the morning, star them, think I really need to read that, and close my computer and catch the bus outside.

This list has become quite long. They’re articles I’ve found, as well as articles people have sent me. Most of the time, I get these articles in the morning. Before I gave up Facebook for Lent, my morning usually consisted of eating cereal (a must), checking email, and going on Facebook. Sometimes I’d be late to catching the bus because I’d spend too much time on Facebook or get roped into some sort of gun law debate below someone’s status, etc. Facebook took up much of my mornings.

Nowadays, I wake up, eat cereal (a must), check emails, and then, guess what: I read articles. I’m slowly making it through my star list. I’m watching videos on Oprah’s Lifeclass that I’ve always meant to watch. I’m catching up on TED Talks that I swore I’d get around to seeing. And now, I’m even praying, as an email of prayer and reflection from the Jesuits’ Moved to Greater Love is usually sitting in my inbox.

I’ll admit, missing the bus is still always a threat, but this time, it’s because I’ve been roped into an interesting article or searching my heart after listening to an inspiring talk. When riding the bus, I’m not thumbing through Facebook but rather marinating the gems of wisdom that have come across my screen that morning.

I’ve always been a breakfast eater. I’m even a breakfast judger (I call people out for not eating breakfast, sometimes barely even knowing them). I’ve always believed the morning has to “start off right” because it sets the tone for our day. It’s supposed to nourish us and fill us up so that we can go about our lives with our best start, being our best self. How much better would our days be if we started with wisdom? I’m finding that out.