For Lent this year, I’m cutting snacks, soda, and sweets in general out of my diet. What that means for me is not just refraining from eating sugary foods and drinking soda, but also from eating pretty much anything other than just my three meals a day.
But why do this? Well, it basically all comes down to the idea of fasting. Overall, we fast as a way to give back to God and as an act of solidarity with those who may not have access to the luxuries that we have. Additionally, we sacrifice for Lent to try to move away from the things that have turned us away from God in one way or another in our lives, and to try to get back on track.
It is in light of those two concepts that I chose to give up snacks, soda, and sweets for Lent this year. I feel like taking part in this particular form of fasting and sacrifice will help me to change some of my more detrimental habits, particularly in regard to unhealthy eating. By restricting what I eat, I hope to not only move toward self-improvement by trying to cut out sugary foods and excess from my diet, but also to help others by putting the money I would be using for unhealthy foods toward aiding those who are in need of food.
I hope you join me as I share my Lenten journey here on Busted Halo, and I wish you luck on yours as well, particularly today at the start of Lent.