A Christmas candle is a lovely thing; It makes no noise at all, But softly gives itself away; While quite unselfish, it grows small. — Eva K. Logue
We have seen a great light. No, we're not talking about your neighbor's Christmas lights. Advent readings from Isaiah (specifically Isaiah 9:2) talk about darkness and light. There are plenty of examples of the darkness of the human spirit in today's world — violence, war, greed. The Light of Christ is here to guide us on a different path. What lights does God shine in our lives that turn us away from the darkness? Stop. Think of at least three examples of Christ's light shining in the world right now. Now, remember the story of Jesus — born in a dark stable at a time when a wicked king was out to kill him. Talk about darkness! But God’s light shines brighter than the darkness. Let us see where that light is shining this Advent.