Happy Easter! (The Octave)

Animated .gifs for the first 8 days of Easter

Easter is more than one day — it’s an entire season of the Church year that begins with the Easter Octave. The gospel readings during the Octave include some of the most beautiful passages of scripture from the time after Jesus’ resurrection and his first encounters with his friends and disciples. These readings remind us of the importance of Jesus’ resurrection and the power of his ministry here on earth. Jesus appeared to his friends & disciples that they might continue to share the Good News in word and deed with everyone they would meet.

Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday
John 20:1-9
Easter Monday
Easter Monday
Matthew 28:8-15
Easter Tuesday
Easter Tuesday
John 20:11-18
Easter Wednesday
Easter Wednesday
Luke 24:13-35


Easter Thursday
Easter Thursday
Luke 24:35-48
Easter Friday
Easter Friday
John 21:1-14
Easter Saturday
Easter Saturday
Mark 16:9-15
Divine Mercy Sunday
Divine Mercy Sunday
John 20:19-31