The mission of Busted Halo is urgent. Our Church needs a ministry which fosters a community where young adults feel welcome to explore their faith. Our society needs a media organization which can positively portray religion in contemporary society, and remind everyone that there is a need for morality in our public discourse. We know our work is necessary and has been making a real difference for the past ten years, largely made possible through your generous support.
Yet, this past week we have all been confronted with images and tragic stories from Japan as a result of the tsunami and earthquake there. It remains clear that untold serious dangers continue to threaten the lives of the victims of this tragedy. Therefore, we at Busted Halo have chosen to postpone our 10 in 10s anniversary fundraising campaign in order to join together with other nonprofits and Catholic agencies to ask for your help in assisting those affected by these natural disasters in Japan.
Below are some ways you can help:
- Caritas Japan is the affiliated Catholic organization handling disaster relief services in Japan. Catholic Relief Services is collecting donations to help assist in these efforts through their Japan Tsunami Campaign —
- Catholic Charities USA is working with Catholic Charities agencies in Guam, American Samoa, Hawaii and the West Coast, which will respond to any relief efforts needed there. To donate to their work, visit
- The American Red Cross is working with the Japanese Red Cross in immediate response efforts. To make a $10 donation, text REDCROSS to 90999. Or you can make a donation here.
There are many other efforts, such as Save the Children, Global Giving and World Vision, to name a few, along with any local campaigns which may be occurring at your parish or within your community. Feel free to post other suggestions in comments below of agencies that are helping in these relief efforts.
In the coming weeks, our 10 in 10s anniversary campaign will be back. We hope you’ll consider supporting this vital ministry to young adults at that time so we may keep Busted Halo® going strong for another 10 years. But for now, let’s all send our prayers and financial support to the victims of the natural disasters in Japan. God bless you and your loved ones.
Fr. Dave