What Is Mystagogy?

I’m a catechist and volunteer at my parish, and I was asked to participate in something called a “mystagogy session.”  What is mystagogy?

The fourth stage of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is called “mystagogy,” from the Greek words meaning “to lead through the mysteries.” Traditionally, mystagogy extends throughout the Easter season until the feast of Pentecost. This is a period of accompaniment for new Catholics as they discover what it means to fully participate in the sacramental mysteries of the Church. The newly baptized are called “neophytes,” from the Greek words meaning “new plant,” because the faith has been newly planted in them. Even though their catechetical preparation has been completed, they still have much to learn about what it means to live as Catholic Christians. During Mystagogy, new Catholics will reflect on their experience of conversion, learn more about the Church, and consider how they might get involved in ministry and outreach. Neophytes will need the ongoing support of the community so that the faith newly planted in them can grow deep roots. The RCIA coordinator in your parish probably noticed your faithful service and thought that you would be an excellent role model for your community’s neophytes. Joining them in a mystagogy session gives you an opportunity to share your faith with them and encourage them as they continue their own new journey of faith.

Originally published November 26, 2013.