How Can I Be Brave About Confessing My Sins Out Loud?

An anonymous listener asks how to stay brave when confessing sins from six feet apart. They explain that they usually whisper in Confession because they are too afraid to speak their sins out loud. 

Team Busted Halo wonders what this fear stems from. They speculate that it could be fear of others hearing them, or the fear of articulating your sins out loud because of  embarrassment or shame. 

WATCH: Sacraments 101: Why We Confess

Father Dave responds, “In the Old Testament, when people realize that they, individually or as a whole community, have sinned, they stand up in front of everyone and tear their cloak and they announce with a big horn, ‘We have sinned.’ It’s a very different psychological approach to the way we do it today … If you’re afraid of other people hearing you, it is certainly valid to suggest some methods in order that other people would not be able to hear. If you’re not scared of the other people in line hearing you, then what are you scared of?” Father Dave suggests asking yourself whether the fear stems from pride or shame.

RELATED: Busted Halo’s Guide to Confession

Christina shares some practices that help her with Confession. “It’s helpful to remember that when I’m confessing my sins, the priest isn’t judging me. I’m the one judging myself. We have this fear or shame when confessing sins because it’s based upon our own thought process of, ‘How am I going to be perceived through this?’ But to be honest, that doesn’t really matter. We’re there to receive the Lord’s forgiveness, so it doesn’t matter what the priest’s perception of us is. I used to prefer [confessing behind] the screen, but as I started going to Confession more often and had merciful priests, I realized I prefer being face-to-face because I feel like that holds me more accountable as well …  If you can build yourself up to say those things not under your breath and look the priests in the eyes just to receive the love and mercy that we receive in Confession, I think it will help to build up that bravery that you’re looking for. Because ultimately we are there for reconciliation and for forgiveness. And when we realize that the Lord really does grant us this if we just show up, it gets easier.” Christina also suggests praying the litany of humility in order to help with the fear of being perceived badly.