I Started Reading Genesis and Two Months Later I’m Still Reading Genesis. Is there a better way?

Indeed. It might be best to start off with looking at what kind of stories you enjoy reading. If you like good humor, you may want to read Jonah or Tobit to get you engaged in reading other books. Love poetry? Try the Song of Songs, the Psalms or the Proverbs.

It’s also not always wise to read an entire book of the Bible in one sitting. Better to read sections over time and most importantly you should pray with the bible, opening yourself up to God and listening for what message God wishes you to hear with the words of scripture. It’s not important how much you read at one time but rather, that you are open to listening.

Read the Bible Boot Camp on the site. It could be best to read a grouping of books to start like the Wisdom Literature or the Gospels.

Deacon Mike Hayes was ordained for the diocese of Cleveland in 2024 and is assigned to St. Christopher’s Parish in Rocky River, OH. He serves the diocese as both Director of Young Adult Ministry and the Bishop’s Delegate for Interfaith and Ecumenical Relations. He’s also the host of 5 Questions with the Paulists and the podcast Question of Faith. Deacon Mike is one of the founders of Busted Halo and has worked with young adults his entire ministry career in retreat, spiritual direction, and campus Ministry. He’s the author of "Googling God" (Paulist, 2007) and "Loving Work" (Orbis, 2012). Deacon Mike and his wife Marion live in Lakewood, OH with their dog, Vito.