Monday, February 3, 2025

It’s February! Here’s everything you need to know about our upcoming trip to Los Angeles:

  • Friday, February 21st and Saturday, February 22nd we will be broadcasting from the LA Religious Education Congress at the Anaheim Convention Center! Join us Friday and Saturday from 11am-1pm in the Hall A exhibition hall, located on a stage to the left once you walk in the doors
  • Friday evening, February 21st: Listener “Meat and Greet” at In-N-Out! Join Father Dave, Brett, and Krista at the In-N-Out located at 1168 S State College Blvd, Anaheim, CA 92806. Stay tuned for exact time!
  • Saturday, February 22nd: If you’re at LA Congress, come see Fr. Dave’s workshop! He will be speaking in the arena during session 6 (2:45pm). Click here to register for LA Congress!

Prayer Requests

  • Fr. Dave: For Liz and Tyler, whose wedding he officiating
  • Jenny: For her friend Kelly whose husband Manfred had her final chemotherapy treatment, and for her Kelly’s horse who is ill
  • David: For himself, as he has a leg biopsy tomorrow
  • Catherine: For her son, as she fear he will hurt himself.
  • Karen: For her great nephew Colter who needed an emergency c-section at 28 weeks
  • Matt: For plane crash victims in Washington, DC and Philadelphia
  • Krista: For her cousin Julie who just had surgery and in thanksgiving for her sweet baby Lucy