- Saturday was the Feast of the Conversion of Paul, the patronal feast of the Paulist Fathers (Fr. Dave’s religious order). He preached at Mass on Saturday, and mentioned the Paulist appeal – you can learn more and donate here.
- If you’ll be in the San Diego area this weekend, come to Sunday Mass at St. Gregory the Great with Fr. Dave! He’ll be presiding and preaching at the 11am Mass on Sunday, February 2nd –Â check out the parish site here!
Prayer Requests
- Donna: For her friend Kara’s husband
- Anne: For her dad John who is turning 91 today
- Mary Kay: For her friend’s husband Howie that is having open heart surgery
- Joan: For her friend’s 44 year old grandson who is experiencing heart and health issues
- Carol: For her daughter Megan who is pregnant and due in May. For her friend’s granddaughter who is also pregnant who has breast cancer
- Matt: For Joe, Jennifer, and Sam who are driving back home, and for Jennifer’s birthday that was last week
- Brett: For all those who participated in the Exceptional Ball, a prom-style event for kids with special needs – especially the parents of the kids who have a support meeting during the event. For the repose of the soul of Brett’s friend Adam, who would have been 41 years old yesterday.
- Jennifer: For baby Mason who was just born last night and has some complications
- Krista: For all of those, herself included, who had a tough Mass with little kids this weekend
- Tracy: For her niece Hannah who just married her husband Alec and is traveling to their new home. For her whole family, as their parents John and Dorothy are getting older. For her retreat group ACTS as they plan.