- News in the Pews: Over 50,000 altar servers gather in Rome for summer pilgrimage
- Mass-Haps: Has something ever gone wrong while you were at mass? Candle burned a toupee? Eucharist dropped on the floor? I bet it has! Well, we call these “Mass-haps” as in mishaps that happen at mass. If you were ever an altar server and had a Mass-hap, Call us at 888.322.8465 with your story.
- If you are in or around Lake George, NY on August 17 & 18 stop by and join Father Dave and the Paulists at St. Mary’s of the Lake, Lake George, N.Y to celebrate Feast of the Assumption
- Back 2 School Brett – Brett’s other job as a social worker at a school has officially started.
- Fr. Dave’s Homily from July 29, 2024
- Fr. Dave Travel Triumph or Travel Trouble (TT/TT)
- Myra Kahn Adams is the Executive Director of the National Shroud of Turin Exhibit and the Sign from God Foundation. She joins the show to talk about the Shroud, the exhibit and more.