Advent Calendar

Our digital twist on the traditional Advent calendar brings a sense of surprise by showing you the whole calendar, but not letting you “open” each day and find out what’s behind the picture until that day comes along. Each day, the link will lead you to a special Advent-themed Daily Jolt and MicroChallenge.


InstaAdvent Photo Challenge

Celebrate Advent using Busted Halo’s InstaAdvent Photo Challenge. Click here for more details and a complete listing of our Advent photo-a-day ideas. Post a photo every day during Advent and stay connected to the hope, joy, and occasional peppermint mocha that make this time of year so special!


Watch: Advent in Two Minutes

Need a refresher on what Advent is actually all about? Everything you need to know about the hopeful anticipation of this special season … in just 2 minutes!


10 Meaningful Advent Traditions to Try This Year

Advent can fly by so quickly. One minute you’re lighting that first purple candle and singing “O Come, O Come Emmanuel,” and then whoosh! It’s January. The usual Advent wreaths and mini-chocolate calendars are tried and true practices (because hey, who doesn’t like chocolate?) and they can certainly help us focus our thoughts on the coming of the infant king. But perhaps going beyond the expected traditions could make us pause for a bit more mindfulness this season. Here are ten unique traditions to bring more joy to this time of year.


Advent Virtual Retreat

Waiting is not a passive action. It’s dynamic and transformative! This virtual retreat will help you reflect on ways to grow in faith, hope, and love while we wait for the coming of Christ this Advent.


WATCH: You Don’t Know Jack About Advent

Christmas is coming and Busted Halo’s longtime friend Fr. Jack Collins, CSP, hits the streets (and the local ice skating rink) to ask people what they know about that anticipatory season of waiting and preparation… Advent.


Ultimate Catholic Gift Guide: 2024 Edition

There’s no better feeling than watching a loved one’s face light up at the sight of a lovingly selected gift! Back by popular demand each year, we compile a list of fun, thoughtful, faith-themed gifts you might consider giving your favorite Catholic this Christmas.


LISTEN: Dealing With Grief Around the Holidays

This time of year can be particularly difficult for anyone who is dealing with grief. Father Dave offers resources and words of consolation to parents who recently lost their son.


3 Ways to Practice Hope

Hope is more than wishful thinking or anticipating the best possible outcome. That’s optimism. Hope—that is, Christian hope—is the desire for the Kingdom of Heaven in the here and now. It inspires us to act with kindness, gentleness, and generosity so we might know and experience peace and joy today.