Ann Turner is a passionate convert to the Catholic faith, who is also passionate about life in general, small dogs, food and wine, friends, nature, and the blessing that comes from just showing up and being a witness with other people. Ann is also the published author of more than 40 children's books. Follow Ann's faith journey and more at her blog.

Press Lightly

As part of my “I-am-in-the-recovery-stage” of ovarian cancer, I am rereading my Heather King books. A recovering alcoholic, ex-barfly, and Catholic convert, King shares insights…

What Sticks to Our Fingers

I am thinking about death. And ashes. Possibly this is because Easter is looming on the horizon, and if you have any truck with Jesus and think that…

Lent Isn’t About Bubblegum?

When I was growing up, the divide between Catholics and Protestants seemed greater than it does now. I’m not sure the word “ecumenical” had even…