Brian Harper is a communications specialist for the Midwest Jesuits. His writing has been featured in “America,” “Mic,” “Counterpunch,” “Milwaukee Journal Sentinel,” “National Catholic Reporter,” and various other publications. You can find his work at

An Invitation to Renew

Monday was Day 20 of Lent. The halfway mark presents an opportune moment to reflect on how everything has gone so far and make changes…

One Word

How do you make an old, immediately familiar story fresh and illuminating? The priest at the Sunday vigil I attended this weekend managed to do…

When It’s Easy

Tom Hanks once said about his craft, “Everybody here who creates comes across moments where it is just so naturally easy. You don’t even think…

All About Those Basics

Several weeks ago, I read an article documenting legendary football coach Vince Lombardi’s decision to begin the 1961 NFL season by covering the most fundamental…