Dr. Christine B. Whelan is an author, professor and speaker. She and her husband, Peter, and their dictator cats, Chairman Meow and Evita Purron, live in Pittsburgh. Her book "Why Smart Men Marry Smart Women" is available in stores or at the Halo Store.

The Future of Learning

The way we think about learning environments is changing, argue the authors of a new report about how to better use technology in education. According…

Happily Never After

There’s a widening gap between the haves and have-nots in America — and this time the fault line is marriage. Educated young adults are marrying…

Fast Food, Faster Culture

Ah, efficiency. A new study finds that fast-food makes college students more likely to make myopic choices. Say the University of Toronto researchers, who published…

Honesty vs. Faking It

I came across an interesting — if not a bit confusing — podcast on the Freakonomics site: Stephen J. Dubner argues that between “Sea of…