Join us in looking back at some memorable Catholic moments of 2016!
#1 When Catholics around the world celebrated the Jubilee Year of Mercy, a time to focus on mercy, forgiveness, and healing. Pope Francis asked Catholics “to be a witness of mercy” and to perform works of mercy in their communities. Churches opened “holy doors” to welcome Catholics to church for an experience of grace and spiritual renewal.

#2 When Mother Teresa became Saint Teresa

#3 When millions of Catholic young people gathered in Kraków, Poland, for World Youth Day

#4 When Catholic Relief Services, Caritas, and other Catholic organizations provided food, education, counseling, medical support, and temporary shelter to Syrian refugees across Europe and the Middle East

#5 When Pope Francis opens the possibility for communion for divorced/remarried Catholics
#6 When there were three new U.S. cardinals

#7 When Pope Francis named the first woman to the top post at the Vatican Museums

#8 When nuns joined the protest against the Dakota Access pipeline

#9 When the pope celebrated his 80th birthday with the homeless