Is it a sin to listen to mass on podcast and not go to church?

Your question is an interesting one and one we’ve talked about before.  While you have good intentions in trying to keep your Sunday obligation to God by listening to the podcast of mass, you’re missing one of the main elements that we have at mass which is the community.

Mass is not just about our own relationship between God and oursleves but also it’s about our relationship to the community that we live in as well–it’s about coming together as a community and praying with one another.  We remember that not one of the disciples shared the last supper with Jesus alone, rather they ate the first Eucharist together.

So the question here is not merely about punching your mass attendance card but it’s about finding a community that you can feel comfortable praying with at mass.  Perhaps you give the place a try that doesn’t speak your language and maybe that improves your language skills in a new language and you form new relationships there?  Maybe you find a place that speaks you language and you work out the logistics of getting there even though it’s not right next door?  Whatever you decide it’s about praying in communion.  Mass, via media, is only a possibility for those who are ill and have to seclude themselves for health reasons.

Mike Hayes is the Senior Editor for Googling God