Monday, March 25, 2024

  • It’s Holy Week! If you’ll be in Grand Rapids, MI, Father Dave will be preaching the Paschal Triduum at the Cathedral of St. Andrew. All Mass times here – Father Dave will be preaching at the 7pm Mass on Holy Thursday, the 3pm Passion Service on Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil at 9pm.

Prayer Requests

  • Tricia: For her niece Amy and husband Joe who lost the heartbeat of their baby Charlotte Grace in Amy’s 9th month of pregnancy.
  • Sandy: For the repose of the soul of her daughter Jamie-Ann who passed away, and her family
  • John: For father in law Anthony who is in final days and the repose of the soul of friend Daniel who unexpectedly passed away
  • Dave: For son James who is in the hospital with an enlarged liver
  • Regina: For friend Cheryl who has been in a coma for 2 months
  • Fr. Dave: For Fr. Vinny McKiernan on his 93rd birthday over the weekend and Kathryn Whitaker’s son Luke who will be having surgery this week