Why is the church so focused on banning contraception?
Question: Why is the church so focused on banning contraception when over-crowding and overpopulation are greatly dwindling the earth’s resources? The Church is not trying…
Question: Why is the church so focused on banning contraception when over-crowding and overpopulation are greatly dwindling the earth’s resources? The Church is not trying…
Fr. Dave, Barbara, and Fr. Steve answer a question about choosing Natural Family Planning in concert with adoption. Â Question begins at 8:08. “Coming Attractions” features…
Q: Why is the church so focused on banning contraception when over-crowding and over population is greatly dwindling the earth’s resources?
A: The Church is not trying to “ban contraception” — though given some of the recently media coverage I can understand why someone might think that it is.
The White House issued an accommodation Friday exempting religious employers from having to pay for contraceptive services in their insurance policies. When I heard this…