So You Think the Catholic Church Isn’t Doing Anything in the World…
Though this was never my impression, some I’ve encountered may have been thinking that there’s not much connecting going on between the Catholic Church and…
Though this was never my impression, some I’ve encountered may have been thinking that there’s not much connecting going on between the Catholic Church and…
For two and a half years I was a Jesuit, living religious life and experiencing what it was like to be part of the Church in more of a public capacity. I had many opportunities to serve people from all walks of life in different places. I had to get used to people calling me brother or father, though I was neither. It was kind of nice to be an “official” representative of the Catholic Church as a religious.
Our word “mission” comes from the Latin word “missio,” which means “sending.” After the resurrection, Jesus appeared to his disciples and sent them out to…