We all long for home sometimes. College freshman, graduate students, and those who bravely relocate their whole life for work … this one’s for you. If you’ve ever missed home from afar, you know that it’s a terrible feeling that can really get you into a rut. Don’t fall for it! Use these tips to strip homesickness of its power (or at least take the edge off.) You’re brave for making a big change; so don’t let homesickness overshadow that victory. We’ve all been there, now here’s what you can do about it.
Stay busy. Busyness will stop you from throwing a pity party and isolating yourself. It’s also a great way to make sure you’re productive with your time.
Stay connected to home (within reason). Sometimes a nice call home will do the trick. Try video chatting or staying connected with friends and family via social media, but don’t forget to live in the present!
Make new friends. Now that you’re in a new place, take the time to make new friends and build new relationships. Half the comfort of home is the people.
Old photos. Bring along old photos of fond memories with friends and family. You can pack them away somewhere special or make a collage for your room.
Get to know your new stomping ground. Urban, rural or suburban, your new home will likely have a few popular places that are fun and one-of-a-kind. When someone comes to visit from back home, you’ll look like a seasoned pro when you give them the tourist treatment.
Get enough sleep. It may seem impossible, but it is crucial to feeling happy and healthy. A good night’s sleep can go a long way.
Eat well. After the initial shock and excitement of being on your own has worn off, so will your obsession with junk food. A nutritious meal will fuel a productive lifestyle and keep you at the top of your game.
Bring along your favorite things. Make sure you don’t forget the things that make you feel at home, like your favorite mug or that old sweater. Don’t forget to always keep you favorite snack in stock! A few tokens of home can be a big help when you’re missing it.
Make a new routine. Lots of times when you’re missing home, you’re not just missing the people, you’re missing the familiar routine. Now is the time to make a new routine that matches your new lifestyle.
Learn to make your favorite meal/treat from home. When you’re feeling homesick, making Mom’s chocolate chip cookies or Grandma’s lasagna may be the perfect pick-me-up.
Get involved. Find things to do in your area that you’re passionate about. You can take a kickboxing class, join a gym or find a basketball league. If, back home, you loved volunteering and helping others, find a way keep doing it! Don’t abandon your passions and hobbies in a new place.
Establish a budget. A part of moving away is keeping a budget and making sure you’re not overspending. Keeping a budget teaches responsibility, avoids unnecessary stress, and makes sure that you’ve got money set aside for fun activities and even trips home!
Keep it clean. Sometimes a fresh set of sheets, a made bed and some folded laundry can make all the difference. A clean living space can have a huge impact on your overall happiness, so keep it neat!
Invest in your new space. Wherever you are, you’ll probably be there for a while, so don’t be afraid to hang pictures, buy a nice lamp and spring for a bookshelf. Small touches can make your living space homey.
Make time for yourself. Don’t forget to do the things that make you happy, even if that means you need a night for yourself: watch your favorite movie, cook your favorite meal, or just read your favorite book. Whatever it is, don’t forget to make the time.
Check out more helpful resources like this one in our Dorm Room Care Package.