We’re getting close to the end of Lent, with Easter only a couple of weeks away, and with that in mind. I took some time today to look back on my Lenten journey so far. Reflecting on the season, I realized something: this Lent has taught me to be more comfortable with being hungry (and thirsty, for that matter.) An example, if you don’t mind: yesterday, I woke up, had my breakfast (nothing major, either– just a regular old bowl of cereal), and proceeded to go about my day. I headed off to the movies for a screening, and chose without hesitation to forego my typical popcorn and soda habit, not only because of my Lenten sacrifice, but because I simply wasn’t as enticed by it as usual. Don’t get me wrong– I’m not saying that the temptation to snack (or to eat bigger meals in order to cover for the fact that I’m not snacking in between) isn’t there, just that I feel like I’ve gotten better at overcoming it.
In conjunction with this contentment with bring sort of hungry, I feel that I’ve also gained a better appreciation for the food I’m able to eat. I’ve become more grateful that I can eat three good meals a day (especially when they’re something I really like!) and because of this, I’m going to do my best to keep up the practice of not snacking even after Easter.
How has this Lent changed you? What elements of your Lenten sacrifice do you plan on keeping up once the season is over? How? Let us know in the comments!