September 2014 Wallpaper


It’s September, summer is coming to a close, school is beginning and fall is right around the corner. Don’t forget to check out our Dorm Room Care Package for yourself or anyone you know that is heading to college this year. If you missed our article about honoring the sacredness of Labor Day, check it out here. And don’t forget, September is the celebration of Saint Gennaro.

Also, beginning on September 15, we’re running a new Catholic Mascotology bracket contest featuring some of the most interesting college mascots from various Catholic schools going head-to-head. So check back here on the 15th to vote for you favorites.

Oh, and our own Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP, has a big birthday coming up at the end of the month!

Download the September 2014 Wallpaper:
16:9 [2560 x 1440] · 16:10 [2560 x 1600] · 4:3 [2400 x 1800] · Mobile · Facebook

The wallpaper is available in sizes that will fit both widescreen and full screen monitors, mobile devices and a Facebook cover photo. Download the files directly above and enjoy this easy way to stay aware of important feasts and holy days heading your way.