Can I Bring Communion to My Hospital Co-Workers?

Question: I am a registered nurse and an Extra-ordinary Minister of Holy Communion in my parish. I work with many young Catholic nurses and aides. Is it ok to bring Holy Communion to them at work?

Communion services allow patients at health care facilities who cannot easily attend Mass at the parish to receive communion regularly, in a liturgical setting bringing together those residents who are well enough to gather and participate. It is entirely appropriate for the entire community to join in, including staff members, family members and guests. Your young colleagues already bring their faith to work every day in the loving care they provide; participating in the communion service would give them an opportunity to receive spiritual support in the important work that they do. It does not replace Sunday Mass for those who would normally be expected to attend (night or weekend work schedules, common for health care workers, might be a legitimate reason for missing Sunday Mass). But it reinforces the essential connection between faith and life.

Contact the parish where the facility is located. You might need to provide a letter from your local parish verifying that you have been commissioned as an extraordinary minister. Then coordinate with them to see how you can support their efforts to provide spiritual care not only for the patients but also for the nurses, aides and others at the facility where you work. Look into your hospital’s pastoral care department as well. They may already have people scheduled for these services and may wish to add you to their list of available ministers.

Neela Kale is a writer and catechetical minister based in the Archdiocese of Portland. She served with the Incarnate Word Missionaries in Mexico and earned a Master of Divinity at the Jesuit School of Theology. Some of her best theological reflection happens on two wheels as she rides her bike around the hills of western Oregon.