Happy Easter! Don’t forget that Easter is more than just one day — it’s an entire season of the Church year that begins with the Easter Octave. The Gospel readings during the Octave include some of the most beautiful passages of scripture from the time after Jesus’ Resurrection and his first encounters with his friends and disciples. These readings remind us of the importance of Jesus’ Resurrection and the power of living out his message here on earth. Jesus appeared to his friends and disciples so that they might continue to share the Good News in word and deed with everyone they meet. We reflect on these readings every Easter Octave to strengthen our own faith and to connect with stories of Resurrection and hope that can inspire how we live our lives and practice our faith every day.
Easter Sunday — Jesus’ tomb is empty
Spiritual essence: Death is not the end of the story.
Monday — Jesus meets up with the Marys after he is risen
Spiritual essence: Our God is a God of surprises!
Tuesday — Mary Magdalene does not recognize Jesus
Spiritual essence: Walk by faith and not by sight.
Wednesday — Jesus meets two disciples on the road to Emmaus
Spiritual essence: Always look for Christ in others.
Thursday — Jesus shows his wounds to his disciples
Spiritual essence: Look for Christ in the midst of the mess.
Friday — Jesus helps his disciples fish and feeds them
Spiritual essence: Build your hopes on Christ.
Saturday — Jesus tell his disciples to proclaim the Gospel
Spiritual essence: True strength is sharing joy, love, hope, and kindness.
Divine Mercy Sunday — Thomas puts his hand into Jesus’ wounds so that he may believe Christ is truly risen
Spiritual essence: Doubt is not an enemy of faith, but disengagement is.