A Lost Road to God
I was in college — graduate school — when I met my friend Amy. We were in a creative workshop, and when we both confessed…
I was in college — graduate school — when I met my friend Amy. We were in a creative workshop, and when we both confessed…
Tell a friend something that he/she doesn’t know about you.
When Sex and the City 2 arrived in theaters last Friday, women across the country were eagerly anticipating its release with all the excitement of a Harry Potter-phile awaiting a Daniel Radcliffe appearance. So why does the Sex and the City franchise continue to appeal to people (mostly women), six television seasons and two movies later? The answer may, ironically, have nothing to do with the sex or the city, and more to do with its very real representation of the feelings, conversations and experiences women have, juxtaposed with the exaggerated characters and lives that don’t reflect most women’s reality at all.
In this “Thinking Out Loud,” Dr. Christine Whelan and I compare thoughts on SATC and how it relates to our own adventures in dating, friendship, married life and even our faith lives.
“We need to talk.” The four dreaded words that strike fear into all of us. “We need to talk” is almost never the start of…