John Oliva is a husband, father, professional engineer, connoisseur of Speedway Gas Station food, unintentional collector of vintage Nintendo games, and aficionado of all things Lego. John not only lacks rhythm and athletic ability, but it is also speculated that he lacks a full complement of tastebuds. More than anything else though, John is a storyteller seeking out adventures and new experiences in the hopes of inspiring a story to share. For 20 years, John has led groups in Catholic Social Justice initiatives. He lives with his wife and daughter in Mid-Michigan.

Do This in Memory of Me

“Will you take care of my car for me after I’m gone?” My father asked me while we sat in my sister’s living room. I…

Curate Your Own Lenten Movie Marathon

In recent years, the phenomenon of binge-watching cheesy, cliché Christmas movies during the Advent season has really taken off, with Hallmark and Lifetime leading the…