Did Father Dave and Mike both make their goal weights? Did Brett manage to keep away from meat and hard alcohol? And did Christina remember to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy every day AND avoid shopping? All of these questions are answered in the grand finale of the Father Dave 30-Day Challenge!
LISTEN: Father Dave 30-Day Challenge
For the most part, everyone stuck to their challenges. Brett and Christina admit to having slipped up once or twice, and Mike shares a very funny video of himself using his treadmill so much that it breaks down. Originally, Mike intended to lose 12 pounds, and then he upped the ante and raised his goal to 14. But in the end he lost 16 pounds! Father Dave committed to losing 10 pounds and succeeded — losing 10.2 pounds!
But more than anything, the Father Dave 30-Day Challenge is about discipline and seeing if you can carry on the momentum after the challenge is over. Mike and Father Dave both commit to trying to maintain their increased healthiness, and Father Dave makes a point about how accountability can be helpful in trying to reach your goals:
LISTEN: Father Dave 30-Day Challenge Check-In
“I’m just gonna admit to my own weakness and lack of discipline — but without saying this on the air and checking in, I would not have been able to do this. It’s the accountability [of] people doing this with me [and of] announcing it [as we went along].” (Original Air 08-18-17)