The Belief-O-Matic

The Belief-o-matic. It sounded like a new-fangled kitchen appliance I would have seen advertised on late night TV — back in 1985. I could see…

The Big Weekend (Part One)

Then one morning, after loosing track of just how many steps I had taken and how many days had passed, I had arrived at May 19. So I simply did what I had been doing every day for the past six years; I took one more step.

Oncology and Ontology

This was the cosmic equivalent of either Jim Perry or Bob Eubanks turning over the Queen of Diamonds on the game show Card Sharks and all I had to do was shout, “Lower!” Yet when the Game Show host Fate turned over that next card, it turned out to be the King of Spades, I was one of that 5-10%.

Ordinary Time

Father Dave Dwyer, CSP and Father Larry Rice discuss the “vanilla” season of ordinary time and how this calmer part of the calendar calls us…