At Busted Halo, we recognize the fear and anxiety in the air as we all continue to grapple with the effects of the COVID-19 virus on our nation and world. We hope that Busted Halo can help you navigate this time of uncertainty with a spirit of calm, hope, and faith. Please know that we’re keeping you in our prayers, and we invite you to pray for the sick, the healthcare workers and those on the front lines of the crisis, and for healing for all.
Read on for resources that may help during this time:
Getting Married During COVID-19: Changing Plans and Recognizing the True Meaning of the Sacrament (Article)
“I proposed to Ann in May of 2019, and within a few months, we decided upon a wedding in June of 2020 at the beautiful Our Lady of Providence Chapel and reception at the adjacent Aldrich Mansion in Warwick, Rhode Island. The attractive chapel and mansion, and the picturesque Narragansett Bay just one hundred yards away would all make for a fairy-tale wedding. And then, coronavirus came.”
Mass on TV: Tips for Transforming the Couch into a Pew (Article)
Attending Mass virtually these days can be challenging. Here are some tips and strategies to help you and your family bring the richness of the Mass into your living rooms.
Keeping the Faith in the Time of Coronavirus (Facebook Live)
Father Dave reflects on the current state of the country in light of COVID-19, answers questions of faith, and offers a prayer for hope and healing in this Facebook Live broadcast.
Watch Mass Online (Facebook Live)
The Paulist Fathers (the community of priests behind Busted halo) are broadcasting all Masses from their New York City motherhouse via Facebook Live broadcasts. Tune in daily at 12:10 p.m. EST, and Sundays at 10:00 a.m. EST (English), 12:30 p.m. EST (Spanish) and 5:15 p.m. EST (English).
The Samaritan Woman: Pioneer of Social Distancing (Podcast)
Father Dave preaches on the Gospel reading in which Jesus meets the Samaritan woman at the well. He relates this to our current experience of social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Rabbi Brad on Finding God in the Midst of Fear (Podcast)
Friend of the show Rabbi Brad Hirschfield shares a personal story about navigating a time of fear, and chats with Father Dave about how we can find God during such a difficult time.
5 Steps for Praying When You’re Overwhelmed (Essay)
Stress, anxiety, and the emotions that accompany crisis are often described as feeling like giant waves crashing around you. Calm your heart and your spirit by taking some time to reflect on where you have been, where you are, and where you would like to go.
Dr. Charles Camosy on Medical Ethics During the Coronavirus Pandemic (Podcast)
Theology Professor and bioethicist Dr. Charles Camosy chats with Father Dave about end-of-life ethics as they relate to the Coronavirus pandemic.
5 Psalms for When You’re Sick (Essay)
It can be tough to find comfort for your soul when your body feels so wretched. Thankfully, the Bible offers a wealth of encouragement for such times. If you’ve ever read the Book of Psalms, you know that these ancient prayers of praise (and sometimes even anger or despair) resonate on a deep level even today. Though you may have read the psalms in the midst of other trials in the past, perhaps it’s time for a fresh look at how they can serve as a source of hope and comfort for illness.
Team Busted Halo Reflect on the Impact of Quarantine (Podcast)
Father Dave and Team Busted Halo have a candid discussion on how quarantine is affecting each of them personally.
Virtual Stations of the Cross (Video)
Busted Halo has created a series of virtual stations designed for personal devotion. These stations relate to Jesus’ teachings about the Kingdom of God and the reason his vision of this Kingdom led to his death. Find a quiet place to watch these stations, and as you do the devotions be open to how God is speaking to you through the Stations of the Cross.
Reflections for a Trouble Age (Video)
This video reflection series from Landings International, a program that welcomes returning Catholics back to the Church, aims to help people with issues such as coping with isolation, staying at home, and missing Church.
I Am Not Alone: Finding Comfort in Jesus’ Agony in the Garden (Essay)
“As a Catholic who has suffered from depression and anxiety, at times, I have struggled to feel like Jesus, savior of the world who can raise the dead, can understand what it’s like to be the imperfect human that is me. At least, that was what I thought until recently while reading the story of Jesus praying in the garden of Gethsemane …” Read on for Danielle Vaclavik, Ph.D.’s personal reflection on uniting her suffering to Christ’s passion and death.
Podcast: How Can I be Strong in Faith, While Missing Community? (Podcast)
A man who has recently converted to Catholicism calls the Busted Halo Radio Show looking for some advice about strengthening his faith and finding community.
Try These Prayers When You’re in a Spiritual Rut (Essay)
“Prayer has the ability not only to bring healing and grace, but to draw me closer to God and align me with his will. Over the years, I’ve experimented with various forms of prayer that have helped yank me out of autopilot and give me a fresh perspective. If you’re in a spiritual slump, try any of the following suggestions to breathe new life into your conversations with God …” If your prayer routine is feeling stagnant, read Sarah Garone’s personal reflection for inspiration.
5 Creative Ways to Pray for Others (Essay)
“Gradually, I’ve begun to explore different types of intercessory prayer (ways to pray for others). From prayer journaling to praying with arts and crafts, here are five ways to get creative with prayer if you’re stuck inside …” If the only way you are able to help others is through prayer, try these ideas from Elizabeth Manneh.
Meeting Students (Virtually) Where They Are: How Catholic Campus Ministry Has Adapted Amidst a Pandemic (Essay)
“Through creative planning and the use of technology, more students than ever are able to participate in the life of the Church.” – Michael St. Pierre, Ed.D.
Giving Myself Permission to Feel: What I’ve Learned From Bringing Anger, Sadness, and Grief to God (Essay)
“Yet, I have found that it is only when I have given myself permission to feel and express my feelings in a healthy way, that I can move forward and find healing, faith, hope, joy, and peace.” – Anna Maria Sevilla
Pancake Church: What a New Sunday Morning Ritual Means to My Family (Essay)
“Our pancakes are not a Sacrament. They are, more simply, a way to get the children to sit and listen to the gospel with minimal protest. They are a way to mark the passing of days in a world where today and yesterday feel indistinguishable.” – Jackie Semmens
A Retreat for Those Facing Serious Illness (Virtual Retreat)
When you become ill, seriously ill, you might feel hopeless or angry or full of despair. One of life’s most terrifying realizations is that we are not in control — God is. This virtual retreat provides guidance for prayer and reflection during the times when we need to trust God and to feel God’s presence, even when the future seems unclear.
God Shows up in the Sunrise (Essay)
Read how Shemaiah Gonzalez finds calm and serenity by experiencing Sunday morning sunrises with God.
Coming Home: Returning to the Sacraments Amidst COVID-19
“Walking up for Communion, physically distanced, and computing the best way to move my mask quickly to receive the Eucharist was different, but exactly what John Paul II noted: God was saying to us all that he is the solution.” -Thomas Griffin
Less Worry, More Trust: Praying the Surrender Novena in Times of Change
“Surrender sounds lovely in theory, but it’s difficult in practice. Although letting go of our fears and anxieties seems like it should be simple, it requires that we stop worrying, and that takes great effort. Yet, until we learn to replace our worry with trust, we won’t live in freedom.” -Sarah Zentner
How the Pandemic Made Me Appreciate the Gift of Mass
“I do not know if I will be fortunate enough to have my name pulled again to attend Mass next Sunday. But one thing I do know: I will not take Mass for granted again. Instead, I will regard it as the great gift of life and hope given to us by our redeemer, who promised he would not leave us orphans.” -Theresa Nixon