Barbara is back from vacation and the team is together again! On this week’s episode, Fr. Dave, Barbara, and Intern Sean answer a question about mountains in the Bible. Moses, Elijah, Jesus…all fond of mountaintop experiences! We explain why with the help of this Busted Halo Infographic on the topic! Coming Attractions from Matthew and the parable of the generous landowner. Our NEW Church Search: Listener Picks comes from the Paulist Center in Boston, Massachusetts. Call us with your podcast questions and “Church Search: Listener Picks” at 917-591-8476. You’ll get a prize! And Fr. Dave has a birthday later this month – the BIG 5-0! Help him celebrate with a donation to Busted Halo that will keep this podcast playing.
0:00 — Intro
9:12 — Question
23:38 — Coming Attractions
26:23 — Church Search: Listener Picks